General Recruitment Process of INFOSYS

Regarding the Things to be taken to the Exam:

Call Letter is sent by the Infosys to candidates for  the Exam. If Call Letter did not come through mail or through post, and if you got only SMS from the Infosys HRD, don't worry about this. You will be allowed into the Exam if you show the SMS to them. So, don't delete the SMS from the cell.

We've to take any Identification proof of ourselves like College ID, Electoral ID, Bank Credit / Debit Card which consists of our photo on it, etc., Be careful, they won't accept any Bus / Railway passes, Institute ID Cards. We've to take Two Passport size photographs of us to the Exam.

Be sure to take the Xerox copies of the marks list to enter the marks into the Application form given by them to be filled up by us before commencing the exam. If you are not having the marks lists also no problem, but you have to enter the Total marks scored in 10th, Inter, Degree, PG, and Total Maximum marks and the overall % calculated as (Total Max Marks of all Semesters/Years).Be sure to enter the % based on this calculation only.

Regarding Filling the Application Form:
They will ask to Fill an Application Form before the commencement of the Examination which consists of 4 pages and regarding our personal details, like

- Date, Place of Birth
- Blood Group
- Allergies
- Last Major illness / Surgery with specific date
- Eye Vision
- Parent's Details
- Passport Details (If not having, no problem but apply when you are student its easy to get early)
- Educational Details along with % (from SSC to PG)
- Languages Known
- Previous Working Details (If Experienced)
- Two Reference's Addresses & Details like Email, Ph no.
(can give our HOD's or lecturers Details) for the Verification purpose
- Two Infosys employees details (if known anybody)
- Whether appeared for Infosys or Progeon (Sister concern
of Infosys) previously
- Educational Achievements like Scholarships, prizes
- Extracurricular Activities & Achievements
- Etc., and some more details.

So, be careful to know about all the above details before going to the Exam itself. Otherwise, they will not consider our Application I think so.

Regarding the Exam Pattern:

First of all before starting written exam we have pre-presentation activity that may takes nearly one hour (explained company details by HR). After that written exam would be started.
Pattern is like this
1. logical reasoning(30ques-40min)
2. verbal ability(40ques-35min)
First of all reasoning paper given that consists structure like this
1. Logical reasoning:
1-5 (three figures given those are some arrangements and fourth given as question mark and Select a suitable figure from the Answer Figures that would replace the question mark (?). This type of questions is in the exact part is non-verbal reasoning analogy part)
6-10(simple puzzle)
11-15(data interpretation more calculations require)
16-20(data sufficiency)
21-25(did not say complex but somewhat tough puzzle)
So after 5min gap verbal paper was given that consists like this

2. Verbal ability:
1-8(spotting errors)
9-16(choosing appropriate sentence from the given options)
17-23(sentence filler, sentence completion, synonyms, antonyms etc will be given)
24-30(about theme detection)
31-35(small passage)
35-40(lengthy and tough so u go question to answer)
Totally after 75mins answer sheet collected and result announced after three hours sectional cutoffs may be reasoning 60% and verbal 50% based on requirement of those.
One thing would remind that if u need compulsory placement in Infosys you can do the written paper especially verbal its look like simple and also answers are nearly same but picking of best one is main thing so do those with another people or with team.
For the preparation you need to go for “R.S.Agarwal verbal and non-verbal reasoning, GRE Barons, Shakunthala Devi puzzles” very thoroughly.

Regarding Interview:

The Interview is of Purely HR Based. There will be Two Persons. One Younger and One Elder. Younger One make to keep us cool, where as Elder one fire the Questions on us, that too HR Questions.

The Questions are as Follows: -

Tell me About yourself.
What are your Strengths and Weakness.
Explain your Project? Do you Tested project or not? What is your contribution in your project?
Why do you want to join in Infosys? What do you know about us?
Why should we hire you? What can you do for us if you are Selected? If you mentioned any paper presentations you have given in the resume they raise questions from that so be careful while mentioning?
What's the time you faced a lot of trouble in your life and how you solved it?
And some more questions like this,
And questions based on your Interests and Hobbies?
They stress mainly on your hobbies, so be careful in answering to those questions.

Also, they will ask some two to three, or some are asking up to 5-6 puzzles. There's no need to solve them all at the spot itself. It's enough if you explain how you will solve those puzzles. That's all. They will check how you are trying to solve those problems and your way of approach to solve them.

They will ask u whether u have any questions. Be preparing well for this, and ask some worthy related questions. Don't try to ask the info regarding Infosys, as they expect you to be prepared for it. Ask some questions regarding training or about the responsibilities you have to play if u are selected, like that. There are a lot of questions to be asked in this regard. Try to prepare some worthy questions and try to ask them.

That's all. They will say that you will be informed within 3 weeks. But, sometimes it may take up to 2-3 months also. In the mean while, they will enquire all the details provided by you in the application and in the resume are correct or not. So, be careful in providing the exact and correct information to them at any stage.
Never give up at any stage. Just check your mails, most importantly, "BULK" mails, as the mails sent by them are going into "Bulk" Folder, weekly twice. You can get mail from them at any time, mentioning that you have been selected and get ready to join in the company.

In the mean while, you can go through your daily routine. Don't think much about the mail sent by them. They'll send the mail whenever they think you are worthy to be selected and got cleared all the info regarding you.

1. Poor attitude. Many candidates come across as arrogant. While employers can afford to
be self-centered, candidates cannot.
2. Appearance. Many candidates do not consider their appearance as much as they should.
First impressions are quickly made in the first three to five minutes.
3. Lack of research. It's obvious when candidates haven't learned about the job, company or
industry prior to the interview. Visit the library or use the Internet to research the company,
then talk with friends, peers and other professionals about the opportunity before each
4. Not having questions to ask. Asking questions shows your interest in the company and
the position. Prepare a list of intelligent questions in advance.
5. Not readily knowing the answers to interviewers' questions. Anticipate and rehearse
answers to tough questions about your background.
6. Relying too much on resumes. Employees hire people, not paper. Although a resume can
list qualifications and skills, it's the interview dialogue that will portray you as a committed,
responsive team player.
7. Too much humility. Being conditioned not to brag, candidates are sometimes reluctant to
describe their accomplishments. Explaining how you reach difficult or impressive goals
helps portray you as a committed, responsive team player.
8. Not relating skills to employers' needs. A list of sterling accomplishments means little if
you can't relate them to a company's requirements. Reiterate your skills and convince the
employer that you can "do the same for them".
9. Handling salary issues ineptly. Candidates often ask about salary and benefit packages
too early. If they believe an employer is interested, they may demand inappropriate amounts
and price themselves out of the jobs. Candidates who ask for too little undervalue themselves
or appear desperate.
10. Lack of career direction. Job hunters who aren't clear about their career goals often
can't spot or commit to appropriate opportunities. Not knowing what you want wastes
everybody's time.
11. Job shopping. Some applicants, particularly those in certain high-tech, sales and
marketing fields, will admit they're just "shopping" for opportunities and have little intention
of changing jobs. This wastes time and leaves a bad impression with employers they may
need to contact in the future.

A NEW STRATEGY of INFOSYS (60-Second Guide to Hiring the Right People):

0:60 Define the Duties:

To find promising employees, you must first determine what you want them to do. Carefully consider all direct and associated responsibilities and incorporate them into a written job description. Be careful with general titles such as typist or sales clerk, as they have different meanings to different people.

0:49 What it Takes to do them:

Fulfilling these responsibilities will require some level of skill and experience, even if it is an entry-level position. Be reasonable about your expectations. Setting the bar too high may limit your available talent pool; setting it too low risks a flood of applications from those unqualified for the job.

0:37 Make it Worth their While:

Likewise, you don’t want to be overly generous or restrictive about compensation. State and local chambers of commerce, employment bureaus and professional associations can help you determine appropriate wages and benefits. Scanning descriptions of comparable jobs in the classified ads and other employment publications will also provide clues about prevailing wage rates.

0:38 Spread the Word:

How you advertise your job opening depends on who you want to attract. Some positions are as easy to promote as posting a “help wanted” sign in your store window or placing an ad in your local newspaper. For jobs requiring more specialized skills, consider targeted channels such as trade magazines, on-line job banks and employment agencies (though these may require a fee). And don’t overlook sources such as friends, neighbors, supplier’s customers and present employees.

0:25 Talk it Over:

Because you have clearly defined the role and requirements, you should have little difficulty identifying candidates for interviews. Make sure you schedule them when you have ample time to review the resume, prepare your questions and give the candidate your undivided attention. After the interview, jot down any impressions or key points while they’re still fresh in your mind. This will be a valuable reference when it’s time to make a decision.

0:12 Follow-up on Interviews:

You want to believe your candidates are being honest, but never assume. Contact references to make sure you’re getting the facts or to clear up any uncertainties. Professional background checks are a wise investment for highly sensitive positions, or those that involve handling substantial amounts of money and valuables.

0:03 you’ve Found them; now keep them:

Now that you’ve hired ideal employees, make sure they stay with you by providing training and professional development opportunities. The small business experts at SCORE can help you craft human resource policies and incentive plans that will ensure your company remains the small business employer of choice.


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