Check your website Responsiveness and blog layouts in various devices in the link given below. You blog look and layout may vary for different screens and check How your blog Displays in different mobiles and tablets.

Check your blog Response: CHECK RESPONSE WEB

In the above website you can view your website look for the following devices and more are to be added.
  • iPhone portrait 320 x 480
  • iPhone landscape 480 x 320
  • Crappy Android portrait 240 x 320
  • Crappy Android landscape 320 x 240
  • Nicer Android portrait 295 by 515 (equivalent desktop resolution)
  • Nicer Android landscape 515 by 295 (equivalent desktop resolution)
  • iPad portrait 768 x 1024
  • iPad landscape 1024 x 768
  • Kindle portrait 600 x 1024


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